California’s court system handles thousands of cases each year involving domestic violence (sometimes referred to as family or intimate partner violence). Some of those cases are handled in the criminal court system, while others proceed through the family or juvenile court system.
In addition to the California Courts Self-Help Center Web site which can provide direct access to court forms, instructions for completing court forms, and information about restraining orders and other court processes” the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), Center for Families, Children & the Courts (CFCC) provides information and education to address cases involving domestic violence in California in a variety of ways, including providing information to the public and professionals; developing rules, forms, and legislation; offering training and education to professionals; disseminating research and publications; and collaborating with justice partners to improve the handling of domestic violence cases.
Also, visit Fresno Courts website for domestic violence Issues
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic Violence Restraining Order
Domestic Violence Restraining Order Flowchart
Safety Planning
Resources and Services