Support Services: Domestic Violence Advocacy Agency
Counseling services
Community education
Referrals to other resources
Special Latino outreach
Emergency shelter, transitional housing
Accompaniment for those going to court
Support Services: Rape Crisis Center
Hospital and law enforcement accompaniment
Counseling services
Community education
Legal Services
Assist with temporary restraining orders (RTO)
Assists with child custody, visitation, and support
Provide support, guidance, accompaniment, advocacy with law enforcement
Medical Services
Screen for domestic violence and report injuries that result from assault
Refer to resources
Public Health (Public Health Nursing-home visiting, prevention activities, e.g. youth violence prevention)
Adult Protective Services
Take reports of suspected abuse of adults 65 and older, dependent adults 18-64
Provide emergency response, if necessary
Investigate adult abuse reports
Develops safety plans for adults Provide information and guidance
Child Protective Services
Take reports of suspected child abuse
Provide emergency response, if necessary
Investigate child abuse
Develop safety plans for children
Provide information and guidance
Criminal Justice Services: Law Enforcement
Responds to 911 calls
Gives information cards to victims
Arrests suspected offenders
Obtains Emergency Protective Orders (EPO)
Collaborates with DV advocates
Investigates crimes
Provides civil stand-by
Criminal Justice Services: District Attorney's Office
Prosecutes criminal cases
Provides victim advocate services
Reviews police reports
Files criminal charges
Criminal Justice Services: Victim Center Provides financial services for:
Medical expenses
Emergency relocation
Motel vouchers
Residential security
Temporary lodging
Lost income
Emergency petty cash
Assistance with criminal court process
Criminal Justice Services: Adult Probation
Monitors those who are convicted of domestic violence
Requires attendance at batterer treatment groups
Certifies batterer intervention programs
Intervention Services
Provide groups for people who abuse
May speak English, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese
Offer sliding-scale fees
Are open to court-referred and self-referred clients
Offer referrals for victim services